FIXOTAL® converts the energy of the fluid flow in the tubes into turbulence thus, preventing the stagnation of products in the layer adjacent to the tube wall.
The purpose of this fixed device is to increase the heat transfer rate and to mitigate fouling.
It also reduces certain types of fouling affected by wall temperature (polymerization, crystallization, solidification of paraffin, scaling, etc.). In certain conditions FIXOTAL® can break boiling films at tube wall.
The most common fluids used are atmospheric residue, HVGO, crude oil, and most of the light liquid hydrocarbon chains, including vapors and flue gases. On cooling services FIXOTAL® is also used for vacuum residue and HVGO.
Crude Distillation Units (CDU) and Atmospheric Residue Service preheat trains
Hydrotreater / Hydrocracker preheat trains
Process Gas Boilers
Vacuum Residue and HVGO cooling service
Treated water services
Air coolers
U-Tubes exchangers
No modification of the heat exchangers
No damage to the tubes wall
Quick to install
Supervision by PETROVAL
Added guarantee
Heat transfer increase
The turbulence generated by the presence of the insert increases the tube side heat transfer coefficient by 50% to 100% in turbulent flow regime and more in laminar flow regimes.
Energy savings and CO2 emissions
The improved heat recovery from the hot fluid results in a reduction in fired heater duty and consequently, a reduction in fuel consumption and consequently on CO2 emission.
Debottlenecking the preheat train
The furnace is the bottleneck when the throughput of the unit is constrained by the feed preheat. Improving the heat recovery of the preheat train increases the throughput up to 3% with the same preheat temperature thanks to the heat recovery in the exchangers.
Reduction in fouling and stabilized pressure drop
The mechanical cleaning effect leads to a reduction in the fouling rates of up to 80%.
As the fouling rate is stabilized, the steady flow hydraulics leads to a stabilized pressure drop.
Run duration increased
Heat transfer improvement and fouling mitigation lead to doubled run duration and better operating conditions. In case of severe fouling, FIXOTAL® will delay the fouling deposition to minimum doubling the run duration. Then the tubes can support mechanical cleaning with the FIXOTAL® in place. In such case, FIXOTAL® can be used several runs without removing and replacing.